Why did you join the program?

I started this 12-week program because I had gained a bunch of weight while caring for my mom with Alzheimer’s. After she passed, I was lost. I was working from home every day and when I was done working, I would put my laptop down and watch TV all night long.

I was getting about 200 steps a day. I was addicted to sugar (candy and Diet Coke). I felt like I had lost my mom and myself. I was in a dark place but I masked it with humor so no one would know.

What is the biggest positive change you’ve noticed?

I no longer eat candy or drink Diet Coke. Food no longer controls me. I have realized that I don’t have to be really good or really bad. I can eat tasty things and still not feel like I am dieting. I can modify everything where I can still eat it but there are less calories.

I can have tacos but make them with turkey and a low carb wrap. I can have pizza but put it on a low carb wrap with sugar free sauce and turkey pepperoni.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of the fact that I gave it 110% in every aspect. I went ALL in. I followed this program to a T and never looked back. Eating good, exercising daily (and resting when I need to) and drinking lots of water are officially a habit for me.

My journey is far from over, but I know what I need to do every day and it’s business as usual for me even though the program is over. I’ll never go back to the way I was before. Finally, I got out of my own way.

Share your journey in 5-6 sentences on how this program has transformed your life?

I told my husband before I started that this must be an “us” thing. I cannot transform my life and his remains the same. We needed to change our behavior and that is exactly what happened.

I park as far away from a building as I possibly can. I walk while my food is in the microwave. I drink water constantly. We hardly ever watch TV. I am back in the office 4 days a week. We don’t sit still.

While I am still grieving my mom, I find comfort in exercising. I honor her life but most of all, I honor my own now.

If you could give your past-self a message...

You can do it. You can do hard things. You are tired of starting over every Monday so don’t stop and you won’t have to start over again. You are so much stronger than you realize, and your knees will thank you if you keep moving them. You got this.

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